## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in -*- makefile -*- # $Source: bitbucket.org:berkeleylab/gasnet.git/udp-conduit/Makefile.am $ # Description: Makefile for GASNet udp conduit # Copyright 2002, Dan Bonachea # Terms of use are as specified in license.txt AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign 1.4 CONDUIT_NAME=udp # any conduit-specific subdirectories containing Makefile.am's SUBDIRS = . # complete list of files in the conduit directory # include all headers, documentation, etc. # and any subdirectories not containing Makefile.am's CONDUIT_FILELIST = \ gasnet_core.c \ gasnet_core.h \ gasnet_core_fwd.h \ gasnet_core_help.h \ gasnet_core_internal.h # list of conduit core and extended .c source files # to be compiled into libgasnet on the compiled command line CONDUIT_SOURCELIST = \ $(srcdir)/gasnet_core.c \ $(top_srcdir)/extended-ref/gasnet_extended.c # additional -I or -D directives needed by this specific conduit # other than the standard GASNet includes and flags CONDUIT_EXTRALIBCFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/other/amudp -I$(top_builddir)/other/amudp # additional conduit header files to install from external, non-standard directories CONDUIT_EXTRAHEADERS = \ $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/amx_portable_platform.h \ $(top_srcdir)/other/amudp/amudp_const.h # headers selected by default rules that should NOT be installed CONDUIT_PRIVATEHEADERS = # additional file dependencies not mentioned elsewhere # that should force libgasnet rebuild on update CONDUIT_EXTRADEPS = \ $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/libamudp.a \ $(top_srcdir)/other/amudp/*.h $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/libamudp.a: force cd $(top_builddir)/other/amudp && $(MAKE) libamudp.a $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/amx_portable_platform.h: $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/libamudp.a # additional object files to be included in libgasnet that need to be compiled # using a special, conduit-specific command. These should also be included as # forced targets in this file, and should probably use LIBINCLUDES/LIBDEFINES CONDUIT_SPECIAL_OBJS = # memory kinds supported by this conduit (space separated) # to be included in libgasnet if support was enabled at configure time CONDUIT_KINDS = # the default job spawn command to be used for "make run-tests" # The following substitutions are performed: # %P = program executable name # %N = requested node count # %A = program arguments # %Q = program arguments w/ an extra level of quotes # %D = the current working directory # %H = hostfile (if any) CONDUIT_RUNCMD = %P %N %A #CONDUIT_RUNCMD = $(top_builddir)/other/amudp/amudprun -np %N -spawn $${GASNET_SPAWNFN:-L} %P %A # conduit-specific tests in ../tests directory CONDUIT_TESTS = testcxx testlegacycxx testtoolscxx # disable MPI tests for udp-*, because we probably don't have an MPI-capable C++ linker CONDUIT_TEST_MAKEARGS = MPI_TESTS="" MPI_TESTS_SEQ="" MPI_TESTS_PAR="" # -------- Do not modify anything below this line -------- if BUILD_SEQ_LIBS libgasnet_udp_seq_a_SOURCES = libraries_seq = libgasnet-udp-seq.a endif if BUILD_PAR_LIBS libgasnet_udp_par_a_SOURCES = libraries_par = libgasnet-udp-par.a endif if BUILD_PARSYNC_LIBS libgasnet_udp_parsync_a_SOURCES = libraries_parsync = libgasnet-udp-parsync.a endif libraries = $(libraries_seq) $(libraries_par) $(libraries_parsync) include $(top_builddir)/other/Makefile-conduit.mak libgasnet-udp-seq.a: $(libgasnet_dependencies) @$(MAKE) do-libgasnet-seq libgasnet-udp-par.a: $(libgasnet_dependencies) @$(MAKE) do-libgasnet-par libgasnet-udp-parsync.a: $(libgasnet_dependencies) @$(MAKE) do-libgasnet-parsync if USE_UDP_CONDUIT lib_LIBRARIES = $(libraries) all-local: $(lib_LIBRARIES) $(pkgconfig_files) clean-local: do-clean-local install-data-local: do-install-data-local uninstall-local: do-uninstall-local else $(top_srcdir)/gasnetex.h: do-error endif