GASNet 2016 Performance (historical)
The results on this page are VERY old, demonstrating GASNet performance on now-outdated/decomissioned systems, and only shown here for historical interest.
The following graphs show performance examples of GASNet release v1.26.4, measured 8/2016.
Test Methodology:
All tests use two physical nodes, with one core injecting communication operations to the remote node and all other cores idle.
Hardware configuration details are provided in each section.
Flood Bandwidth Graphs compare
GASNet testlarge
(uni-directional non-blocking put flood bandwidth) with
OSU's MPI Benchmarks v5.3, test osu_bw (uni-directional Isend/Irecv flood bandwidth).
All bandwidth is reported here in units of Binary Megabytes/sec (MB/sec), where MB = 2^20 bytes (OSU benchmarks default to reporting Decimal MB=1e6).
Latency Graphs compare
GASNet testsmall
(uni-directional blocking put latency) with a
slightly modified version
of OSU MPI Benchmark osu_latency (uni-directional Send/Recv ping-pong latency) -
the latter was modified to use a zero-byte acknowledgement to match the uni-directional payload behavior of a PGAS put with a remote completion acknowledgement.
Latency is reported as round-trip time in microseconds (us).
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aries-conduit vs MPI: on 'Edison' at NERSC
Cray XC30, Cray Aries Interconnect, Node config: 2 x 12-core 2.4 GHz Intel "Ivy Bridge", PE 5.2.56, Cray MPICH 7.4.1

aries-conduit vs MPI: on 'Cori' (Phase I) at NERSC
Cray XC40, Cray Aries Interconnect, Node config: 2 x 16-core 2.3 GHz Intel "Haswell", PE 6.0.3, Cray MPICH 7.4.0

gemini-conduit vs MPI: on 'Titan' at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (OLCF)
Cray XK7, Cray Gemini Interconnect, Node config: 16-core 2.2 GHz AMD Opteron 6274 (GPUs not used), PE 5.2.82, Cray MPICH 7.2.5

pami-conduit vs MPI: on 'Cetus' at Argonne National Laboratory (ALCF)
IBM BlueGene/Q, Custom interconnect, Node config: 16-core 1.6 GHz PowerPC A2, IBM XLC for BlueGene v12.1, MPICH2 v1.5

ibv-conduit vs MPI: on 'Stampede' at UT Austin Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC)
Mellanox InfiniBand FDR, Node config: 2 x 8-core 2.7/3.5 GHz Intel Xeon E5-2680 (Xeon Phi co-processor not used), x16 PCIe bus, Intel C 15.0.2, MVAPICH2 2.1 ch3:mrail

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